You can bring a carry-on bag and one large bag per passenger. Additional bags typically cost $10 each. There is a possibility that the extra bag could be left behind if not reported and paid in advance.
What is the difference between shuttles and private transfers?
Can I reserve a shared shuttle transfer from the airport?
Are there baggage restrictions for shuttle transfers?
How will I know who my driver is at the airport?
How are the roads in Costa Rica?
How long does it take to drive between destinations?
Can I use public buses to get around Costa Rica?
Should I rent a car in Costa Rica?
Will my driver’s license work in Costa Rica?
Are there domestic airports at all tourist destinations?
Are there baggage restrictions on domestic flights?
Should I take a domestic flight?
What is the Land-Boat-Land transfer?
Can I do a day trip to Monteverde from Arenal or vice versa?
Can I do a day trip to Monteverde or Arenal from Guancaste?
Can I do day trips from San Jose to Arenal Volcano, Tortuguero or the beach?
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