Costa Rica ranks highly in health care standards. In fact, it was rated number 36 by the World Health Organization Ranking, ahead of the United States, which was listed as number 37. There are many ranking factors and Costa Rica’s leave nobody behind, public health care insurance undoubtedly moved the country up a few positions.
There are hospitals in most cities. The larger hospitals are located in San Jose, Escazu and Alajuela. These hospitals have world class facilities. In fact, medical tourism is a booming industry in Costa Rica. Some of the more popular hospitals include CIMA Hospital and Hospital Clinica Biblica in San Jose. There is also a CIMA Hospital in Liberia.
Most towns have a clinic and pharmacy. Pharmacists can prescribe some medicines that are only available as a prescription in the United States.
Follow this link to the United States Embassy website, which provides a complete list of hospitals and recommended physicians.
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How can I prevent mosquito-borne illnesses?
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Will I have access to medical facilities?
Will I have access to medicine if I need it?
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